Complex changes to a City’s zoning code, permitted uses, density limits, and increasing affordable housing and linkage fees can cause confusion and concern that may impact either the vision of your future development project or your current operations. At Trestle, we conduct thorough property analysis studies comparing an existing site conditions against current and potential regulation changes to ensure you are fully aware about the new opportunities and limitations. Additionally, our team has significant success entitling complex development projects and businesses through the City’s Use Review process.

Site Analysis

Trestle has completed dozens of conceptual mixed-use, housing, municipal, and other use-type studies to evaluate the yield potential of properties. We are extremely experienced in applying land use codes to quickly and efficiently evaluate development opportunities to identify the most vibrant, sustainable options. Our close relationships within the development community enables us to monitor the changing development regulations and differentiating opinions in a way where we can identify future barriers to implantation. As a neutral and uninvested researcher, we identify and review the opportunities and limitations of a site and can present future development scenarios with cost estimates that meet your organization’s goals. These fact-based property analysis findings are presented to our clients and can include our own recommendation for the best course of action. We balance a multitude of development issues including the preservation of existing habitat, surrounding development patterns, open space, parking, roadways, housing product types, storm water quality and detention, landscape, pedestrian circulation and transit access to create plans that will not only be efficient but improve the existing fabric of our communities. We tread lightly and explore a wide variety of alternatives to find the best way to integrate into the surrounding environment.

Use Review

Our strengths lie in understanding the key development complexities and translating those into a process and language that all stakeholders can understand. We build investment into each of our projects through clear and consistent communication, collaborative problem solving, and outlining a clear path and roadmap through the entitlement process. Trestle has led many development projects and businesses through the complex Use Review process. Our clients have ranged from non-profits, individuals, businesses, schools, market rate developers, foundations, and families. At Trestle, we develop compelling arguments on how a use is compatible with its surrounding community by interpreting the various City planning documents, researching the immediate community, and understanding all of the project’s use characteristics and operations.

Trestle Strategy Group is an invaluable partner in the development process. With in-depth knowledge of land planning, building code, local politics, real estate marketing, and graphic design, Danica Powell and Cole Meleyco exceeded my expectations at every turn. I wouldn’t consider working on another development project without them.
— Kyle McDaniel - Airport Adventures

Select Projects

RÊve | Boulder, CO

RÊve | Boulder, CO

The Hopper | Boulder, CO

The Hopper | Boulder, CO