Marine Graduates from ULI's Real Estate Diversity Initiative Program

On Monday I graduated from the Urban Land Institute Real Estate Diversity Initiative! REDI provides women and people of color the opportunity to attend a comprehensive training in real estate development.

As a complement to classes covering the spectrum of the real estate development process, we worked in small teams to create a development plan and pro forma for a 110,000 sq. ft. site in the Westwood neighborhood in Denver. In an effort to provide Westwood residents with the opportunity to start building generational wealth, our team came up with a site plan where all housing units were affordable and for sale. We also integrated a large plaza and a childcare center for the benefit of the community. You can watch our team's presentation by clicking on the image on the right.

I am very proud of our team's vision, and very grateful I was able to participate in the 2020 REDI program. Huge thanks to the Urban Land Institute, my team members, mentors Rich Wilson, Richard Epstein, and Ken Hoagland, and coordinator Kimberly Ford (Ming), and my colleague, mentor, and friend Danica Powell.