University Hill Hotel - A Revitalizing Project

Since 2014 the City of Boulder has been studying various opportunities for reinvestment and economic revitalization for the University Hill Commercial Area. After additional studies, Nichols Partnership has proposed to redevelop a key area of the hill and transform it into a mixed use development featuring a hotel, retail space, and various restaurant/cafe spaces. This key area was identified by the City as an ‘opportunity site’ and a catalyst site’ having the potential to stimulate the stagnant commercial neighborhood.

Over the past year, Trestle Strategy Group has been guiding the University Hill Hotel redevelopment project through the City of Boulder’s entitlement process. With concept review completed in Q1 2020, the project is in the middle of a site and use review with the goal of progressing to the next step in Q1 2021.

Situated on 1.43 acres, SAR Architecture and the project team has designed a 55 foot tall development including over 180 hotel rooms and nearly 10,000 SF of commercial space, while maintaining 30% open space. Two connected plazas flow into the project and are designed for day to day gatherings and for larger events. These plazas are intended to be the center of public-life for the Hill.

This vibrant mixed-use development will revitalize the University Hill Commercial Area by stabilizing a year-round economy through the creation of a destination focused on the visitor experience. Additional community benefit generated by the project includes energy efficient buildings, a tenant relocation program, transportation demand management practices, and partnerships with CU including student opportunities.

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Renderings provided by SAR Architecture.

Renderings provided by SAR Architecture.